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Course Schedule Announced
May 17, 2021
Book 1 Schedule is out! Get ready to learn Book 1 - Introduction to Kalenjin. On offer will be a PDF version of the class, link to podcast of the audio lesson and link to the YouTube lesson.
8 Essential Tips for Beginners
May 17, 2021
These are the top tips for Learning Kalenjin With Me.
Always have a pen and paper near you.
Write down the new words you hear.
Repeat the words after the tutor
Repeat the entire conversation until you can speak without any pauses/hesitation
With the lesson minimised, write down all the words you have learned on a piece of paper and their English translations.
Use every chance you get to practice the words within the week.
Every day at the end of the day, go through the entire conversations & vocabularies to see how well you have them memorised. Then go through the lesson to see if you have them mastered.
Identify trouble words, write them down on small pieces of paper and stick them where you see them every day (e.g. on your fridge, bathroom mirror, wardrobe etc.)